Updating the Red List

“The art of losing isn’t hard to master.”  –Elizabeth Bishop

Extinct, Extinct in the Wild, Regionally Extinct, Critically 
Endangered, Vulnerable, Near Threatened— 
The Red List is a menagerie of common names and unpronounceable Latin, 
pixelated faces, tree limbs, ferns. I click and drag each picture 
to its proper place, count the lost and the losing, spend my time

guessing genus and region by common name alone—
before I read the notes. It’s easier to have my silent game, 
something I can win. Why should it make any difference 
if I know their numbers? Just a paycheck.
I like to open the window while I work, listen 

to birds that haven’t made the list yet. I don’t know why 
I do this—click through with a heart hardened to loss.
A practice in pretending I don’t care. I tell myself they’ll listen 
to the science; it’s not just a funeral song, no elegy. 
Though in reality I do nothing but read and type and talk, 

and try not to memorize the names, try not to say them with my full 
voice. Ever a whisper. The birdsong grows quieter each morning. 
At the bottom of each page a button says, “Show More."